Rain Rain Rain lots of Rain

April 20th, 2008

It is Sunday now, yesterday we had a great evening.
Thea cooked Oxtail for us and asked me to invite some people because she had enough food.
I invited Esna van Zyl from accounts and she asked if she could invite the 2 Kates, Kate Higgs & Kate Tee. Esna was in the kitchen before but the Kates not. I think they had a good time. Later that evening Marco came to the party and Thea made her special fillet of beef on the hot coals for him. We all tried it and it was amazing as usual.It started to rain big time and it did not stop, it is still raining.
So now I’m sitting at the outspan on my free day it is cold and wet and miserable.
Next week is Raapie’s last week we have to do all the stuff for second unit in a studio, smoke, fire, rain, etc. the elements.
Lots of stuff to do and lots of fun.Mantis next to my computer

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