Archive for May, 2008

Last day at the Airport

Friday, May 9th, 2008

It’s Friday today,
Yesterday was out last day at the airport.
Beautiful weather, clear sky. From today there will be a night-shoot again, which means from 17:30 till 5 in the morning.
Meanwhile, I got a lot of emails from friends who where wondering about the robbery. Again do not worry the sun shines and I’m getting a tan.
Also my Camera is coming back tomorrow and I ordered a small camera (leica d-lux3) to take with me so I do not have to carry this big camera all the time.
My Dutch friend Jan van Diermen who is working in Cape town in the lab where the film is being processed is taking care of the logistics.
So anyway, yesterday there was a beautiful screening of rushes an I did my first baby steps in Shake. I was trying to replace a picture in a moving wallet, only with the help of Jeremy Hattingh I could go near anything a bit useful. Lots to learn, so little time.
More news in the weekend.

picasso or real?

NEWS in Holland

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Sorry for the mess guys,
Dutch news is talking about a robbery of some kind on white light.
For all family and friends.
Holland is small, and it is “komkommertijd” so they have to make their own news.!
So everything is fine here in SA!123 action

Sunday again

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

Hi everybody,
Yep it is Sunday again, it’s a bit slow here, 1st Unit is a bit more exiting than 2nd Unit but film making is waiting and I hate waiting with a passion.
Anyway I survive the last week was DC3 week, lot of stuff happened, from explosions to take offs and stunts with lots of guns etc.
Everyday wake-up before sunrise and short evenings.
I did not have the energy to write something in this damn blog.
Yesterday it was Saturday and Mike Bagg was DJ at the Jungle Monkey Trance night, not really my cup of tea but it was nice, lots of people were drunk when I entered at 10:30.
Christoph Strothjohan (ass editor) had a car so I depended on that we left at 12:00.
Sunday I went with Catrien to second beach to see some surfing contest, to find out it was a kids thing.
We drunk a bottle of champagne at the Wetham Hill lodge with a beautiful view over PSJ.
Producer Anton Rolino joined us with some red wine for lunch.
We had a nice walk to the lighthouse and went home to the kitchen.
Time goes fast.
Specially in the Transkei where time stands still.
Talking to Catrien did me realize that there is a thing called home which I try to ignore because of that.
Another month at least, and evil tongues talk about first week of June.
I hope it is the wine and the beer but I can not wait, I do not do countdown tricks etc. but the word home triggered more than I thought.
Tomorrow the beginning of another week, till later.
more cray

Long time no hear

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

Sorry guys,
My camera failed has to go to mr. repair,hard work no photo’s.
Just one from Jan from the Lab.I try to get inspired to write something tomorrow.
Photo by Jan van Diermen