Long time no speak Earthlings!

Bo-Kaap post box=
Yep it’s been a while.
Lots has happened and lots is changed.
To keep a short story long, I am staying Cape Town now (since just a week), I love this place so much that I decided to try to make a living here.
Yes a big shock for a lot of friends, but hey friends are forever and I will see them all soon.
A big shock for the family but hey I didn’t see them a lot anyhow.
But a lot of thanks to a very big friend, in Who’s beautiful house I can stay and sort my life out.
It’s quite different from what I am used to, Zaandam was irritating the hell out of me for a long time and I was not happy there.
So watch this little blog for more exciting stuff of follow me on Facebook for the details, see you all around.