We had a very nice meet and greet las night with the cast and crew.
I was very careful with the booze 2 beers and 3 bottles of water.
Richard bought a Snoek (not what we call snoek in NL more like a barracuda type) and invited the director Paula and actrice Carice and actor Liam with some extra friends.
We made the snoek with mixed veggies and I had bought a huge trout the other night and made it with Spinach and cherry tomatos.
Not to shitty, Finishing with the famous plums in sugar and butter.
A smile on everybody’s face.
Carice talked us into a murder game, it was really fun. I murdered Richard.
Went to bed at 2:30 I believe and woke up at 6:00.
Just could not sleep anymore.
My free day I need to recover from last week, tomorrow the circus is starting, day 1 of shooting “Black Butterflies” on International Woman’s Day.
One more thing, we drove home from work yesterday. There was a movie shoot in front of our apartment. My window was open and a guy said HEY FIR, what the fock ‘Vuks Ngcingwana” one of the soldiers of Wit Licht. He lives in Port Saint Johns and works here in Cape Town, this world is way too small.